di Albino Morando Simone Lavezzaro Diego Barison Davide Morando Stefano Ferro
290 pagine 15x24 cm, a quattro colori
Born as a mere translation of our pocket book "Vigna in Tasca", Vitibook has become, after 2 year work, 64 more pages and a substantial update of the subjects, a brand new edition, with an international slant. History of viticulture, climatic conditions, statistical data of the world viticulture and much more have been expanded. The list of clones and rootstocks, vine diseases and symptoms, has been updated with the greatest possible number of elements and data.
Vitibook is written in English and keeps the practical paperback size
"Vitibook contains a large amount of information on several pivotal aspects of modern viticulture. The aim of this book is to provide a background and a guide to the production of grapes. Its scope is considerable; it covers a very broad range of topics related to applied viticulture, from culture to production.
Unlike several other applied viticulture books, Vitibook is easy to read and well organized in several chapters. The nine sections, each prepared by experts in the particular subject area, are well written and the numerous illustrative figures and tables are a very useful synthesis of several topics. Despite this, the material is not elementary; contrarily, the level of details is quite adequate for a full understating of the complex dynamics between environment and cultivar selection.
The range of topics is truly extensive and includes world statistics, soil and climate, vine morphology, grape varieties and clones, pest and diseases. An additional and appropriate complete glossary is reported at the end of the book.
However, to achieve the goal of a comprehensive, but practical book, a number of sections, normally covered in standard textbooks, such as irrigation, nutrition, tractors and sprayers, has been greatly reduced and summarized with illustrations, pictures and tables.
This book will be an excellent source of science-based information for commercial growers and scientists. It will have a special value in regions where grape growing is already been established and look for more advanced improvements especially in the area of grape variety, clone and rootstock selection. Material on vine and enological characteristics of grape varieties and clones are not always easy to obtain and the summary reported in the Vitibook is unique and most relevant for the fast growing wine industry of USA"
Paolo Sabbatini
Associate Professor | Department of Horticulture
Viticulturist and Extension Specialist
Michigan State University
About Vit.En.
Vit.En. is a small experimental centre specialized in viticolture and enology in Piedmont, Italy. It's also a press specialized in viticolture and enology.
Vit.En. published various books (only in italian language)
"L'impianto del vigneto"
"Vigna nuova"
"Peronospora della vite"
"Contorni del vino"
"Biovitienologia... o no?"
"Vigna in tasca" (concept for VITIBOOK)
and yearly (from 1996) "Vitenda" a technical agenda with a lot of information for enologists and viticulturists.
If you want to consult an abstract from VITIBOOK click the link below
If you want to order VITIBOOK send us an e mail to davide.morando@viten.net with the number of copies you are interested in and information about your address and country. We will reply to you with the cost of the expedition. Payment possible with paypal or bank transfer (no credit cards).
Enjoy your VITIBOOK
Quello che doveva essere una mera traduzione in lingua inglese del VIGNA IN TASCA dopo due anni di lavoro, 64 pagine in più e un corposo aggiornamento dei contenuti risulta essere una nuova edizione dello stesso, con un taglio molto più internazionale.
Abbiamo approfondito gli argomenti inerenti la storia, le condizioni climatiche e i dati statistici dell'intera viticoltura mondiale. Abbiamo aggiornato l'elenco dei portinnesti e dei cloni cercando di raccogliere il maggior numero possibile di elementi e dati. Lo stesso vale per le malattie sintomi e tutti gli altri argomenti che hanno fatto si che VIGNA IN TASCA sia stato distribuito in oltre 10.000 copie sul territorio nazionale.
Il libro è in lingua inglese. Il libro mantiene il solito comodo formato tascabile
Buona lettura