

Ultimi inserimenti

Mechanical harvesting of the narrow vines of Bourgogne.


Autori:Heinzle Y., Pascal J.N., Berger J.L., Moiroud A.

Rivista:First int. Symp. On vintage mechanization, Montpellier N°.


Experiments on early hyperoxidation of the must from mechanically harvested grapes.


Autori:Guerzoni M.E., Intrieri C., Marchetti R., Giudici P.

Rivista:First int. Symp. Of vintage mechanization, Montpellier N°.


Long time trial of grape harvesting machine.


Autori:Gay-Bellile F., Sarrazin J.F., Charron G.

Rivista:First int. Symp. On vintage mechanization, Montpellier N°.


Harvesting machines and white wines.


Autori:Gaillard M., Cassignard R.

Rivista:First int. Symp. On vintage mechanization, Montpellier N°.


Oenological incidences in the use of harvesting machines.


Autori:Foulonneau C.

Rivista:First int. Symp. On vintage mechanization, Montpellier N°.


Aspects of mechanization of the wine industry in Bordelais.


Autori:Dumartin P., Leppert B.

Rivista:First int. Symp. On vintage mechanizatio, Montpellier N°.


Possibilities for the evolution of mechanical harvesting in relation to the invention of new systems of training.


Autori:Carbonneau A.

Rivista:First int. Symp. Vintage mechanization, Montpellier N°.


Role of the B.T.F. fungicide on the sanitary state of the vine wood in mechanical harvested vines.


Autori:Boutemy G, Bygaret Y, Lafon R.

Rivista:First int. Symp. On vintage mechanization, Montpellier N°.


Latent buds of grape vine in front of mechanical damages.


Autori:Boubals D., Sentenac G., Siben D

Rivista:First int. Symp. On vintage mechanization, Montpellier N°.


New generation of horizontal presses adapted to mechanical grape gathering.


Autori:Bonnet J

Rivista:First int. Symp. On vintage mechanization, Montpellier N°.
