Notice (8): unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset 0 of 724 bytes [CORE/cake/libs/cache/file.php, line 184]
$key = "cake_core_core_paths" $cachetime = false $data = "1735187823 a:10:{s:4:"libs";a:1:{i:0;s:29:"/htdocs/public/www/cake/libs/";}s:5:"model";a:1:{i:0;s:35:"/htdocs/public/www/cake/libs/model/";}s:8:"behavior";a:1:{i:0;s:45:"/htdocs/public/www/cake/libs/model/behaviors/";}s:10:"controller";a:1:{i:0;s:40:"/htdocs/public/www/cake/libs/controller/";}s:9:"component";a:1:{i:0;s:51:"/htdocs/public/www/cake/libs/controller/components/";}s:4:"view";a:1:{i:0;s:34:"/htdocs/public/www/cake/libs/view/";}s:6:"helper";a:1:{i:0;s:42:"/htdocs/public/www/cake/libs/view/helpers/";}s:4:"cake";a:1:{i:0;s:24:"/htdocs/public/www/cake/";}s:5:"class";a:1:{i:0;s:24:"/htdocs/public/www/cake/";}s:6:"vendor";a:2:{i:0;s:27:"/htdocs/public/www/vendors/";i:1;s:31:"/htdocs/public/www/app/vendors/";}}"
unserialize - [internal], line ?? FileEngine::read() - CORE/cake/libs/cache/file.php, line 184 Cache::read() - CORE/cake/libs/cache.php, line 253 Configure::corePaths() - CORE/cake/libs/configure.php, line 459 Configure::buildPaths() - CORE/cake/libs/configure.php, line 580 Configure::__loadBootstrap() - CORE/cake/libs/configure.php, line 683 Configure::getInstance() - CORE/cake/libs/configure.php, line 125 include - CORE/cake/bootstrap.php, line 46 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 77
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /htdocs/public/www/cake/basics.php:111) [CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 772]
header - [internal], line ?? Controller::disableCache() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 772 AppController::beforeFilter() - APP/app_controller.php, line 72 SiteController::beforeFilter() - APP/controllers/site_controller.php, line 11 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 228 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 84
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /htdocs/public/www/cake/basics.php:111) [CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 773]
header - [internal], line ?? Controller::disableCache() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 773 AppController::beforeFilter() - APP/app_controller.php, line 72 SiteController::beforeFilter() - APP/controllers/site_controller.php, line 11 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 228 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 84
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /htdocs/public/www/cake/basics.php:111) [CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 774]
header - [internal], line ?? Controller::disableCache() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 774 AppController::beforeFilter() - APP/app_controller.php, line 72 SiteController::beforeFilter() - APP/controllers/site_controller.php, line 11 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 228 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 84
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /htdocs/public/www/cake/basics.php:111) [CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 775]
header - [internal], line ?? Controller::disableCache() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 775 AppController::beforeFilter() - APP/app_controller.php, line 72 SiteController::beforeFilter() - APP/controllers/site_controller.php, line 11 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 228 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 84
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /htdocs/public/www/cake/basics.php:111) [CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 776]
header - [internal], line ?? Controller::disableCache() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 776 AppController::beforeFilter() - APP/app_controller.php, line 72 SiteController::beforeFilter() - APP/controllers/site_controller.php, line 11 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 228 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 84
Notice (8): unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset 0 of 800 bytes [CORE/cake/libs/cache/file.php, line 184]
$key = "cake_model_default_galleria" $cachetime = false $data = "1735184238 a:8:{s:2:"id";a:5:{s:4:"type";s:7:"integer";s:4:"null";b:0;s:7:"default";N;s:6:"length";i:11;s:3:"key";s:7:"primary";}s:11:"galleria_id";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:7:"integer";s:4:"null";b:1;s:7:"default";s:1:"0";s:6:"length";i:11;}s:4:"nome";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:6:"string";s:4:"null";b:0;s:7:"default";N;s:6:"length";i:255;}s:6:"codice";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:6:"string";s:4:"null";b:1;s:7:"default";N;s:6:"length";i:255;}s:4:"data";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:4:"date";s:4:"null";b:1;s:7:"default";N;s:6:"length";N;}s:8:"pubblica";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:6:"string";s:4:"null";b:1;s:7:"default";s:1:"0";s:6:"length";i:1;}s:10:"ordine_pub";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:7:"integer";s:4:"null";b:1;s:7:"default";s:1:"0";s:6:"length";i:11;}s:6:"doc_id";a:4:{s:4:"type";s:7:"integer";s:4:"null";b:1;s:7:"default";N;s:6:"length";i:11;}}"
unserialize - [internal], line ?? FileEngine::read() - CORE/cake/libs/cache/file.php, line 184 Cache::read() - CORE/cake/libs/cache.php, line 253 DataSource::__cacheDescription() - CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/datasource.php, line 399 DataSource::describe() - CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/datasource.php, line 241 DboMysql::describe() - CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo/dbo_mysql.php, line 185 Model::schema() - CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 826 Model::setSource() - CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 708 Model::__construct() - CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 356 ClassRegistry::init() - CORE/cake/libs/class_registry.php, line 128 Model::__constructLinkedModel() - CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 592 Model::__createLinks() - CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 565 Model::__construct() - CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 357 ClassRegistry::init() - CORE/cake/libs/class_registry.php, line 128 Model::__constructLinkedModel() - CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 592 Model::__createLinks() - CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 565 Model::__construct() - CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line 357 ClassRegistry::init() - CORE/cake/libs/class_registry.php, line 128
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /htdocs/public/www/cake/basics.php:111) [APP/views/layouts/fe.ctp, line 2]
$___viewFn = "/htdocs/public/www/app/views/layouts/fe.ctp" $___dataForView = array( "lang" => "it", "selected" => "", "enum" => array( "bool" => array(), "categoria" => array(), "allinea" => array(), "lingua" => array(), "paragrafo" => array() ), "metadescription" => "", "metakeywords" => "", "footer" => array( "id" => "534", "titolo" => "", "testo" => "© Vit.En. S.a.s. | Via Bionzo,13 Bis – 14052 Calosso (At), Italy | P. Iva: 01061760052 ", "doc_id" => null, "allineaimg" => "sn", "link_immagine" => "", "link_esterno" => "0", "pubblica" => "1", "ordine_pub" => "0", "stdpage_id" => "6", "articolo_id" => null, "news_id" => null, "hidden" => "0" ), "dynamicMenu" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "section" => "", "primopiano" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "categoriabanner" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "allSelected" => true, "tag" => array( "Tag" => array(), "Sezione" => array() ), "viewSection" => "1958", "showLanguageSwitch" => true, "neighborsSection" => array( "prev" => array(), "next" => array() ), "articolo" => array(), "pagination" => PaginationComponent PaginationComponent::$nItem = 0 PaginationComponent::$nItemPerPage = 10 PaginationComponent::$maxLink = 7 PaginationComponent::$currentPage = 1 PaginationComponent::$baseLink = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/" PaginationComponent::$extensionLink = NULL PaginationComponent::$totalNumberPage = 0 PaginationComponent::$sep = "" PaginationComponent::$styleSelected = "current" PaginationComponent::$_debug = false PaginationComponent::$_log = NULL, "page" => 1, "title_for_layout" => "Vit.En.", "content_for_layout" => "<div id="intro_tag"> <h2>QoI e Qil </h2> <div class="row lang"> <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-8 col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-7"> <a href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/en" class="en back">Read it in English<span></span></a> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3" id="submenu_tag"> <ul> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1956" class="sezione_sottomenu">QoI</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1957" class="sezione_sottomenu">Analoghi delle strobilurine</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" class="sezione_sottomenu">Famoxadone</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1959" class="sezione_sottomenu">Fenamidone</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1960" class="sezione_sottomenu">Qil - Cyazofamid</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-9" id="loader_section"></div> <div class="col-md-9" id="paragrafi_tag"> <div class="paragrafo"> <h3 id="sezione_1958">Famoxadone</h3> <div class="testo"> <p> <p>Appartenente al gruppo chimico degli oxazolidinedioni, è stato introdotto in Italia nel 2000 in miscela con cymoxanil o con mancozeb. Oltre che su peronospora della vite e di altre colture, è efficace su alcune altre malattie. Agisce bloccando le prime fasi di sviluppo dei patogeni. È caratterizzato da una <strong>elevata lipofilia</strong>, per cui è in grado di fissarsi tenacemente sulle cere epicuticolari degli organi trattati, dove svolge un’azione tipicamente preventiva di <strong>copertura</strong>. Gli intervalli di applicazione delle sue miscele sono indicativamente di una decina di giorni.</p> </p> </div> </div> <div class="section-pagination"> <a class="asyncSection section-prev" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1957">Analoghi delle strobilurine</a> <a class="asyncSection section-next" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1959">Fenamidone</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ricerca box8"> <h2>Ricerca per Tag: QoI e Qil</h2> Nessun articolo disponibile per questo tag. </div>", "scripts_for_layout" => "", "cakeDebug" => "", "googlemap" => GooglemapHelper GooglemapHelper::$errors = array GooglemapHelper::$helpers = NULL GooglemapHelper::$base = "" GooglemapHelper::$webroot = "/" GooglemapHelper::$themeWeb = NULL GooglemapHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" GooglemapHelper::$params = array GooglemapHelper::$action = "tags" GooglemapHelper::$plugin = NULL GooglemapHelper::$data = NULL GooglemapHelper::$namedArgs = NULL GooglemapHelper::$argSeparator = NULL GooglemapHelper::$validationErrors = NULL GooglemapHelper::$tags = array GooglemapHelper::$__tainted = NULL GooglemapHelper::$__cleaned = NULL GooglemapHelper::$_log = NULL, "utils" => UtilsHelper UtilsHelper::$helpers = array UtilsHelper::$base = "" UtilsHelper::$webroot = "/" UtilsHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" UtilsHelper::$params = array UtilsHelper::$action = "tags" UtilsHelper::$data = NULL UtilsHelper::$themeWeb = NULL UtilsHelper::$plugin = NULL, "html" => HtmlHelper HtmlHelper::$tags = array HtmlHelper::$base = "" HtmlHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" HtmlHelper::$params = array HtmlHelper::$action = "tags" HtmlHelper::$data = NULL HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/" HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL, "javascript" => JavascriptHelper JavascriptHelper::$useNative = true JavascriptHelper::$enabled = true JavascriptHelper::$safe = false JavascriptHelper::$tags = array JavascriptHelper::$_blockOptions = array JavascriptHelper::$_cachedEvents = array JavascriptHelper::$_cacheEvents = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheToFile = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheAll = false JavascriptHelper::$_rules = array JavascriptHelper::$__scriptBuffer = NULL JavascriptHelper::$helpers = NULL JavascriptHelper::$base = "" JavascriptHelper::$webroot = "/" JavascriptHelper::$themeWeb = NULL JavascriptHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" JavascriptHelper::$params = array JavascriptHelper::$action = "tags" JavascriptHelper::$plugin = NULL JavascriptHelper::$data = NULL JavascriptHelper::$namedArgs = NULL JavascriptHelper::$argSeparator = NULL JavascriptHelper::$validationErrors = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__tainted = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__cleaned = NULL JavascriptHelper::$_log = NULL, "form" => FormHelper FormHelper::$helpers = array FormHelper::$fieldset = array FormHelper::$__options = array FormHelper::$fields = array FormHelper::$requestType = NULL FormHelper::$base = "" FormHelper::$webroot = "/" FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL FormHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" FormHelper::$params = array FormHelper::$action = "tags" FormHelper::$plugin = NULL FormHelper::$data = NULL FormHelper::$namedArgs = NULL FormHelper::$argSeparator = NULL FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL FormHelper::$tags = array FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL FormHelper::$_log = NULL FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object, "time" => TimeHelper TimeHelper::$helpers = NULL TimeHelper::$base = "" TimeHelper::$webroot = "/" TimeHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TimeHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" TimeHelper::$params = array TimeHelper::$action = "tags" TimeHelper::$plugin = NULL TimeHelper::$data = NULL TimeHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TimeHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TimeHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TimeHelper::$tags = array TimeHelper::$__tainted = NULL TimeHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TimeHelper::$_log = NULL, "text" => TextHelper TextHelper::$helpers = NULL TextHelper::$base = "" TextHelper::$webroot = "/" TextHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TextHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" TextHelper::$params = array TextHelper::$action = "tags" TextHelper::$plugin = NULL TextHelper::$data = NULL TextHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TextHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TextHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TextHelper::$tags = array TextHelper::$__tainted = NULL TextHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TextHelper::$_log = NULL, "print" => PrintHelper PrintHelper::$helpers = array PrintHelper::$base = "" PrintHelper::$webroot = "/" PrintHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" PrintHelper::$params = array PrintHelper::$action = "tags" PrintHelper::$data = NULL PrintHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PrintHelper::$plugin = NULL, "session" => SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "540a62ed3b18ef722961ac2e8051975e" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = NULL SessionHelper::$time = 1735184224 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = false SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "tags" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL ) $loadHelpers = false $cached = true $loadedHelpers = array() $lang = "it" $selected = "" $enum = array( "bool" => array( "No", "Si" ), "categoria" => array( "vit" => "Viticoltura", "eno" => "Enologia" ), "allinea" => array( "sn" => "nel testo", "sc" => "da sola, al centro" ), "lingua" => array( "it" => "Italiano" ), "paragrafo" => array( "Paragrafo normale", "Solo ricerca" ) ) $metadescription = "" $metakeywords = "" $footer = array( "id" => "534", "titolo" => "", "testo" => "© Vit.En. S.a.s. | Via Bionzo,13 Bis – 14052 Calosso (At), Italy | P. Iva: 01061760052 ", "doc_id" => null, "allineaimg" => "sn", "link_immagine" => "", "link_esterno" => "0", "pubblica" => "1", "ordine_pub" => "0", "stdpage_id" => "6", "articolo_id" => null, "news_id" => null, "hidden" => "0" ) $dynamicMenu = array( array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ), array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ), array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ), array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ), array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ), array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ) ) $section = "" $primopiano = array( array( "Primopiano" => array() ), array( "Primopiano" => array() ), array( "Primopiano" => array() ), array( "Primopiano" => array() ), array( "Primopiano" => array() ), array( "Primopiano" => array() ) ) $categoriabanner = array( array( "Categoriabanner" => array(), "Banner" => array() ), array( "Categoriabanner" => array(), "Banner" => array() ), array( "Categoriabanner" => array(), "Banner" => array() ), array( "Categoriabanner" => array(), "Banner" => array() ), array( "Categoriabanner" => array(), "Banner" => array() ) ) $allSelected = true $tag = array( "Tag" => array( "id" => "496", "etichetta" => "QoI e Qil", "etichetta_en" => "", "codice" => "qoi-e-qil", "tag_id" => "462", "categoria" => "vit", "ordine_pub" => "50", "livello" => "3" ), "Sezione" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ) ) $viewSection = "1958" $showLanguageSwitch = true $neighborsSection = array( "prev" => array( "Sezione" => array() ), "next" => array( "Sezione" => array() ) ) $articolo = array() $pagination = PaginationComponent PaginationComponent::$nItem = 0 PaginationComponent::$nItemPerPage = 10 PaginationComponent::$maxLink = 7 PaginationComponent::$currentPage = 1 PaginationComponent::$baseLink = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/" PaginationComponent::$extensionLink = NULL PaginationComponent::$totalNumberPage = 0 PaginationComponent::$sep = "" PaginationComponent::$styleSelected = "current" PaginationComponent::$_debug = false PaginationComponent::$_log = NULL $page = 1 $title_for_layout = "Vit.En." $content_for_layout = "<div id="intro_tag"> <h2>QoI e Qil </h2> <div class="row lang"> <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-8 col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-7"> <a href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/en" class="en back">Read it in English<span></span></a> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3" id="submenu_tag"> <ul> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1956" class="sezione_sottomenu">QoI</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1957" class="sezione_sottomenu">Analoghi delle strobilurine</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" class="sezione_sottomenu">Famoxadone</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1959" class="sezione_sottomenu">Fenamidone</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1960" class="sezione_sottomenu">Qil - Cyazofamid</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-9" id="loader_section"></div> <div class="col-md-9" id="paragrafi_tag"> <div class="paragrafo"> <h3 id="sezione_1958">Famoxadone</h3> <div class="testo"> <p> <p>Appartenente al gruppo chimico degli oxazolidinedioni, è stato introdotto in Italia nel 2000 in miscela con cymoxanil o con mancozeb. Oltre che su peronospora della vite e di altre colture, è efficace su alcune altre malattie. Agisce bloccando le prime fasi di sviluppo dei patogeni. È caratterizzato da una <strong>elevata lipofilia</strong>, per cui è in grado di fissarsi tenacemente sulle cere epicuticolari degli organi trattati, dove svolge un’azione tipicamente preventiva di <strong>copertura</strong>. Gli intervalli di applicazione delle sue miscele sono indicativamente di una decina di giorni.</p> </p> </div> </div> <div class="section-pagination"> <a class="asyncSection section-prev" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1957">Analoghi delle strobilurine</a> <a class="asyncSection section-next" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1959">Fenamidone</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ricerca box8"> <h2>Ricerca per Tag: QoI e Qil</h2> Nessun articolo disponibile per questo tag. </div>" $scripts_for_layout = "" $cakeDebug = "" $googlemap = GooglemapHelper GooglemapHelper::$errors = array GooglemapHelper::$helpers = NULL GooglemapHelper::$base = "" GooglemapHelper::$webroot = "/" GooglemapHelper::$themeWeb = NULL GooglemapHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" GooglemapHelper::$params = array GooglemapHelper::$action = "tags" GooglemapHelper::$plugin = NULL GooglemapHelper::$data = NULL GooglemapHelper::$namedArgs = NULL GooglemapHelper::$argSeparator = NULL GooglemapHelper::$validationErrors = NULL GooglemapHelper::$tags = array GooglemapHelper::$__tainted = NULL GooglemapHelper::$__cleaned = NULL GooglemapHelper::$_log = NULL $utils = UtilsHelper UtilsHelper::$helpers = array UtilsHelper::$base = "" UtilsHelper::$webroot = "/" UtilsHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" UtilsHelper::$params = array UtilsHelper::$action = "tags" UtilsHelper::$data = NULL UtilsHelper::$themeWeb = NULL UtilsHelper::$plugin = NULL $html = HtmlHelper HtmlHelper::$tags = array HtmlHelper::$base = "" HtmlHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" HtmlHelper::$params = array HtmlHelper::$action = "tags" HtmlHelper::$data = NULL HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/" HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL $javascript = JavascriptHelper JavascriptHelper::$useNative = true JavascriptHelper::$enabled = true JavascriptHelper::$safe = false JavascriptHelper::$tags = array JavascriptHelper::$_blockOptions = array JavascriptHelper::$_cachedEvents = array JavascriptHelper::$_cacheEvents = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheToFile = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheAll = false JavascriptHelper::$_rules = array JavascriptHelper::$__scriptBuffer = NULL JavascriptHelper::$helpers = NULL JavascriptHelper::$base = "" JavascriptHelper::$webroot = "/" JavascriptHelper::$themeWeb = NULL JavascriptHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" JavascriptHelper::$params = array JavascriptHelper::$action = "tags" JavascriptHelper::$plugin = NULL JavascriptHelper::$data = NULL JavascriptHelper::$namedArgs = NULL JavascriptHelper::$argSeparator = NULL JavascriptHelper::$validationErrors = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__tainted = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__cleaned = NULL JavascriptHelper::$_log = NULL $form = FormHelper FormHelper::$helpers = array FormHelper::$fieldset = array FormHelper::$__options = array FormHelper::$fields = array FormHelper::$requestType = NULL FormHelper::$base = "" FormHelper::$webroot = "/" FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL FormHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" FormHelper::$params = array FormHelper::$action = "tags" FormHelper::$plugin = NULL FormHelper::$data = NULL FormHelper::$namedArgs = NULL FormHelper::$argSeparator = NULL FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL FormHelper::$tags = array FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL FormHelper::$_log = NULL FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object $time = TimeHelper TimeHelper::$helpers = NULL TimeHelper::$base = "" TimeHelper::$webroot = "/" TimeHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TimeHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" TimeHelper::$params = array TimeHelper::$action = "tags" TimeHelper::$plugin = NULL TimeHelper::$data = NULL TimeHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TimeHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TimeHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TimeHelper::$tags = array TimeHelper::$__tainted = NULL TimeHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TimeHelper::$_log = NULL $text = TextHelper TextHelper::$helpers = NULL TextHelper::$base = "" TextHelper::$webroot = "/" TextHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TextHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" TextHelper::$params = array TextHelper::$action = "tags" TextHelper::$plugin = NULL TextHelper::$data = NULL TextHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TextHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TextHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TextHelper::$tags = array TextHelper::$__tainted = NULL TextHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TextHelper::$_log = NULL $print = PrintHelper PrintHelper::$helpers = array PrintHelper::$base = "" PrintHelper::$webroot = "/" PrintHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" PrintHelper::$params = array PrintHelper::$action = "tags" PrintHelper::$data = NULL PrintHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PrintHelper::$plugin = NULL $session = SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "540a62ed3b18ef722961ac2e8051975e" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = NULL SessionHelper::$time = 1735184224 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = false SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "tags" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL
header - [internal], line ?? include - APP/views/layouts/fe.ctp, line 2 View::_render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 646 View::renderLayout() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 442 View::render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 380 Controller::render() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 733 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 260 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 230 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 84
Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /htdocs/public/www/cake/basics.php:111) [APP/views/layouts/fe.ctp, line 3]
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Iva: 01061760052 ", "doc_id" => null, "allineaimg" => "sn", "link_immagine" => "", "link_esterno" => "0", "pubblica" => "1", "ordine_pub" => "0", "stdpage_id" => "6", "articolo_id" => null, "news_id" => null, "hidden" => "0" ), "dynamicMenu" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "section" => "", "primopiano" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "categoriabanner" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ), "allSelected" => true, "tag" => array( "Tag" => array(), "Sezione" => array() ), "viewSection" => "1958", "showLanguageSwitch" => true, "neighborsSection" => array( "prev" => array(), "next" => array() ), "articolo" => array(), "pagination" => PaginationComponent PaginationComponent::$nItem = 0 PaginationComponent::$nItemPerPage = 10 PaginationComponent::$maxLink = 7 PaginationComponent::$currentPage = 1 PaginationComponent::$baseLink = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/" PaginationComponent::$extensionLink = NULL PaginationComponent::$totalNumberPage = 0 PaginationComponent::$sep = "" PaginationComponent::$styleSelected = "current" PaginationComponent::$_debug = false PaginationComponent::$_log = NULL, "page" => 1, "title_for_layout" => "Vit.En.", "content_for_layout" => "<div id="intro_tag"> <h2>QoI e Qil </h2> <div class="row lang"> <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-8 col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-7"> <a href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/en" class="en back">Read it in English<span></span></a> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3" id="submenu_tag"> <ul> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1956" class="sezione_sottomenu">QoI</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1957" class="sezione_sottomenu">Analoghi delle strobilurine</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" class="sezione_sottomenu">Famoxadone</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1959" class="sezione_sottomenu">Fenamidone</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1960" class="sezione_sottomenu">Qil - Cyazofamid</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-9" id="loader_section"></div> <div class="col-md-9" id="paragrafi_tag"> <div class="paragrafo"> <h3 id="sezione_1958">Famoxadone</h3> <div class="testo"> <p> <p>Appartenente al gruppo chimico degli oxazolidinedioni, è stato introdotto in Italia nel 2000 in miscela con cymoxanil o con mancozeb. Oltre che su peronospora della vite e di altre colture, è efficace su alcune altre malattie. Agisce bloccando le prime fasi di sviluppo dei patogeni. È caratterizzato da una <strong>elevata lipofilia</strong>, per cui è in grado di fissarsi tenacemente sulle cere epicuticolari degli organi trattati, dove svolge un’azione tipicamente preventiva di <strong>copertura</strong>. Gli intervalli di applicazione delle sue miscele sono indicativamente di una decina di giorni.</p> </p> </div> </div> <div class="section-pagination"> <a class="asyncSection section-prev" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1957">Analoghi delle strobilurine</a> <a class="asyncSection section-next" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1959">Fenamidone</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ricerca box8"> <h2>Ricerca per Tag: QoI e Qil</h2> Nessun articolo disponibile per questo tag. </div>", "scripts_for_layout" => "", "cakeDebug" => "", "googlemap" => GooglemapHelper GooglemapHelper::$errors = array GooglemapHelper::$helpers = NULL GooglemapHelper::$base = "" GooglemapHelper::$webroot = "/" GooglemapHelper::$themeWeb = NULL GooglemapHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" GooglemapHelper::$params = array GooglemapHelper::$action = "tags" GooglemapHelper::$plugin = NULL GooglemapHelper::$data = NULL GooglemapHelper::$namedArgs = NULL GooglemapHelper::$argSeparator = NULL GooglemapHelper::$validationErrors = NULL GooglemapHelper::$tags = array GooglemapHelper::$__tainted = NULL GooglemapHelper::$__cleaned = NULL GooglemapHelper::$_log = NULL, "utils" => UtilsHelper UtilsHelper::$helpers = array UtilsHelper::$base = "" UtilsHelper::$webroot = "/" UtilsHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" UtilsHelper::$params = array UtilsHelper::$action = "tags" UtilsHelper::$data = NULL UtilsHelper::$themeWeb = NULL UtilsHelper::$plugin = NULL, "html" => HtmlHelper HtmlHelper::$tags = array HtmlHelper::$base = "" HtmlHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" HtmlHelper::$params = array HtmlHelper::$action = "tags" HtmlHelper::$data = NULL HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/" HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL, "javascript" => JavascriptHelper JavascriptHelper::$useNative = true JavascriptHelper::$enabled = true JavascriptHelper::$safe = false JavascriptHelper::$tags = array JavascriptHelper::$_blockOptions = array JavascriptHelper::$_cachedEvents = array JavascriptHelper::$_cacheEvents = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheToFile = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheAll = false JavascriptHelper::$_rules = array JavascriptHelper::$__scriptBuffer = NULL JavascriptHelper::$helpers = NULL JavascriptHelper::$base = "" JavascriptHelper::$webroot = "/" JavascriptHelper::$themeWeb = NULL JavascriptHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" JavascriptHelper::$params = array JavascriptHelper::$action = "tags" JavascriptHelper::$plugin = NULL JavascriptHelper::$data = NULL JavascriptHelper::$namedArgs = NULL JavascriptHelper::$argSeparator = NULL JavascriptHelper::$validationErrors = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__tainted = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__cleaned = NULL JavascriptHelper::$_log = NULL, "form" => FormHelper FormHelper::$helpers = array FormHelper::$fieldset = array FormHelper::$__options = array FormHelper::$fields = array FormHelper::$requestType = NULL FormHelper::$base = "" FormHelper::$webroot = "/" FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL FormHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" FormHelper::$params = array FormHelper::$action = "tags" FormHelper::$plugin = NULL FormHelper::$data = NULL FormHelper::$namedArgs = NULL FormHelper::$argSeparator = NULL FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL FormHelper::$tags = array FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL FormHelper::$_log = NULL FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object, "time" => TimeHelper TimeHelper::$helpers = NULL TimeHelper::$base = "" TimeHelper::$webroot = "/" TimeHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TimeHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" TimeHelper::$params = array TimeHelper::$action = "tags" TimeHelper::$plugin = NULL TimeHelper::$data = NULL TimeHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TimeHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TimeHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TimeHelper::$tags = array TimeHelper::$__tainted = NULL TimeHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TimeHelper::$_log = NULL, "text" => TextHelper TextHelper::$helpers = NULL TextHelper::$base = "" TextHelper::$webroot = "/" TextHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TextHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" TextHelper::$params = array TextHelper::$action = "tags" TextHelper::$plugin = NULL TextHelper::$data = NULL TextHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TextHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TextHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TextHelper::$tags = array TextHelper::$__tainted = NULL TextHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TextHelper::$_log = NULL, "print" => PrintHelper PrintHelper::$helpers = array PrintHelper::$base = "" PrintHelper::$webroot = "/" PrintHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" PrintHelper::$params = array PrintHelper::$action = "tags" PrintHelper::$data = NULL PrintHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PrintHelper::$plugin = NULL, "session" => SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "540a62ed3b18ef722961ac2e8051975e" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = NULL SessionHelper::$time = 1735184224 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = false SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "tags" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL ) $loadHelpers = false $cached = true $loadedHelpers = array() $lang = "it" $selected = "" $enum = array( "bool" => array( "No", "Si" ), "categoria" => array( "vit" => "Viticoltura", "eno" => "Enologia" ), "allinea" => array( "sn" => "nel testo", "sc" => "da sola, al centro" ), "lingua" => array( "it" => "Italiano" ), "paragrafo" => array( "Paragrafo normale", "Solo ricerca" ) ) $metadescription = "" $metakeywords = "" $footer = array( "id" => "534", "titolo" => "", "testo" => "© Vit.En. S.a.s. | Via Bionzo,13 Bis – 14052 Calosso (At), Italy | P. Iva: 01061760052 ", "doc_id" => null, "allineaimg" => "sn", "link_immagine" => "", "link_esterno" => "0", "pubblica" => "1", "ordine_pub" => "0", "stdpage_id" => "6", "articolo_id" => null, "news_id" => null, "hidden" => "0" ) $dynamicMenu = array( array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ), array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ), array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ), array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ), array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ), array( "Vocemenu" => array(), "Stdpage" => array(), "Figlia" => array() ) ) $section = "" $primopiano = array( array( "Primopiano" => array() ), array( "Primopiano" => array() ), array( "Primopiano" => array() ), array( "Primopiano" => array() ), array( "Primopiano" => array() ), array( "Primopiano" => array() ) ) $categoriabanner = array( array( "Categoriabanner" => array(), "Banner" => array() ), array( "Categoriabanner" => array(), "Banner" => array() ), array( "Categoriabanner" => array(), "Banner" => array() ), array( "Categoriabanner" => array(), "Banner" => array() ), array( "Categoriabanner" => array(), "Banner" => array() ) ) $allSelected = true $tag = array( "Tag" => array( "id" => "496", "etichetta" => "QoI e Qil", "etichetta_en" => "", "codice" => "qoi-e-qil", "tag_id" => "462", "categoria" => "vit", "ordine_pub" => "50", "livello" => "3" ), "Sezione" => array( array(), array(), array(), array(), array() ) ) $viewSection = "1958" $showLanguageSwitch = true $neighborsSection = array( "prev" => array( "Sezione" => array() ), "next" => array( "Sezione" => array() ) ) $articolo = array() $pagination = PaginationComponent PaginationComponent::$nItem = 0 PaginationComponent::$nItemPerPage = 10 PaginationComponent::$maxLink = 7 PaginationComponent::$currentPage = 1 PaginationComponent::$baseLink = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/" PaginationComponent::$extensionLink = NULL PaginationComponent::$totalNumberPage = 0 PaginationComponent::$sep = "" PaginationComponent::$styleSelected = "current" PaginationComponent::$_debug = false PaginationComponent::$_log = NULL $page = 1 $title_for_layout = "Vit.En." $content_for_layout = "<div id="intro_tag"> <h2>QoI e Qil </h2> <div class="row lang"> <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-8 col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-7"> <a href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/en" class="en back">Read it in English<span></span></a> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3" id="submenu_tag"> <ul> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1956" class="sezione_sottomenu">QoI</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1957" class="sezione_sottomenu">Analoghi delle strobilurine</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" class="sezione_sottomenu">Famoxadone</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1959" class="sezione_sottomenu">Fenamidone</a></li> <li><a class="asyncSection" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1960" class="sezione_sottomenu">Qil - Cyazofamid</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-md-9" id="loader_section"></div> <div class="col-md-9" id="paragrafi_tag"> <div class="paragrafo"> <h3 id="sezione_1958">Famoxadone</h3> <div class="testo"> <p> <p>Appartenente al gruppo chimico degli oxazolidinedioni, è stato introdotto in Italia nel 2000 in miscela con cymoxanil o con mancozeb. Oltre che su peronospora della vite e di altre colture, è efficace su alcune altre malattie. Agisce bloccando le prime fasi di sviluppo dei patogeni. È caratterizzato da una <strong>elevata lipofilia</strong>, per cui è in grado di fissarsi tenacemente sulle cere epicuticolari degli organi trattati, dove svolge un’azione tipicamente preventiva di <strong>copertura</strong>. Gli intervalli di applicazione delle sue miscele sono indicativamente di una decina di giorni.</p> </p> </div> </div> <div class="section-pagination"> <a class="asyncSection section-prev" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1957">Analoghi delle strobilurine</a> <a class="asyncSection section-next" href="/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1959">Fenamidone</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ricerca box8"> <h2>Ricerca per Tag: QoI e Qil</h2> Nessun articolo disponibile per questo tag. </div>" $scripts_for_layout = "" $cakeDebug = "" $googlemap = GooglemapHelper GooglemapHelper::$errors = array GooglemapHelper::$helpers = NULL GooglemapHelper::$base = "" GooglemapHelper::$webroot = "/" GooglemapHelper::$themeWeb = NULL GooglemapHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" GooglemapHelper::$params = array GooglemapHelper::$action = "tags" GooglemapHelper::$plugin = NULL GooglemapHelper::$data = NULL GooglemapHelper::$namedArgs = NULL GooglemapHelper::$argSeparator = NULL GooglemapHelper::$validationErrors = NULL GooglemapHelper::$tags = array GooglemapHelper::$__tainted = NULL GooglemapHelper::$__cleaned = NULL GooglemapHelper::$_log = NULL $utils = UtilsHelper UtilsHelper::$helpers = array UtilsHelper::$base = "" UtilsHelper::$webroot = "/" UtilsHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" UtilsHelper::$params = array UtilsHelper::$action = "tags" UtilsHelper::$data = NULL UtilsHelper::$themeWeb = NULL UtilsHelper::$plugin = NULL $html = HtmlHelper HtmlHelper::$tags = array HtmlHelper::$base = "" HtmlHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" HtmlHelper::$params = array HtmlHelper::$action = "tags" HtmlHelper::$data = NULL HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL HtmlHelper::$webroot = "/" HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL $javascript = JavascriptHelper JavascriptHelper::$useNative = true JavascriptHelper::$enabled = true JavascriptHelper::$safe = false JavascriptHelper::$tags = array JavascriptHelper::$_blockOptions = array JavascriptHelper::$_cachedEvents = array JavascriptHelper::$_cacheEvents = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheToFile = false JavascriptHelper::$_cacheAll = false JavascriptHelper::$_rules = array JavascriptHelper::$__scriptBuffer = NULL JavascriptHelper::$helpers = NULL JavascriptHelper::$base = "" JavascriptHelper::$webroot = "/" JavascriptHelper::$themeWeb = NULL JavascriptHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" JavascriptHelper::$params = array JavascriptHelper::$action = "tags" JavascriptHelper::$plugin = NULL JavascriptHelper::$data = NULL JavascriptHelper::$namedArgs = NULL JavascriptHelper::$argSeparator = NULL JavascriptHelper::$validationErrors = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__tainted = NULL JavascriptHelper::$__cleaned = NULL JavascriptHelper::$_log = NULL $form = FormHelper FormHelper::$helpers = array FormHelper::$fieldset = array FormHelper::$__options = array FormHelper::$fields = array FormHelper::$requestType = NULL FormHelper::$base = "" FormHelper::$webroot = "/" FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL FormHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" FormHelper::$params = array FormHelper::$action = "tags" FormHelper::$plugin = NULL FormHelper::$data = NULL FormHelper::$namedArgs = NULL FormHelper::$argSeparator = NULL FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL FormHelper::$tags = array FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL FormHelper::$_log = NULL FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object $time = TimeHelper TimeHelper::$helpers = NULL TimeHelper::$base = "" TimeHelper::$webroot = "/" TimeHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TimeHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" TimeHelper::$params = array TimeHelper::$action = "tags" TimeHelper::$plugin = NULL TimeHelper::$data = NULL TimeHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TimeHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TimeHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TimeHelper::$tags = array TimeHelper::$__tainted = NULL TimeHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TimeHelper::$_log = NULL $text = TextHelper TextHelper::$helpers = NULL TextHelper::$base = "" TextHelper::$webroot = "/" TextHelper::$themeWeb = NULL TextHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" TextHelper::$params = array TextHelper::$action = "tags" TextHelper::$plugin = NULL TextHelper::$data = NULL TextHelper::$namedArgs = NULL TextHelper::$argSeparator = NULL TextHelper::$validationErrors = NULL TextHelper::$tags = array TextHelper::$__tainted = NULL TextHelper::$__cleaned = NULL TextHelper::$_log = NULL $print = PrintHelper PrintHelper::$helpers = array PrintHelper::$base = "" PrintHelper::$webroot = "/" PrintHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" PrintHelper::$params = array PrintHelper::$action = "tags" PrintHelper::$data = NULL PrintHelper::$themeWeb = NULL PrintHelper::$plugin = NULL $session = SessionHelper SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL SessionHelper::$__active = true SessionHelper::$valid = false SessionHelper::$error = false SessionHelper::$_userAgent = "540a62ed3b18ef722961ac2e8051975e" SessionHelper::$path = "/" SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL SessionHelper::$security = NULL SessionHelper::$time = 1735184224 SessionHelper::$sessionTime = false SessionHelper::$watchKeys = array SessionHelper::$id = NULL SessionHelper::$_log = NULL SessionHelper::$base = "" SessionHelper::$webroot = "/" SessionHelper::$here = "/tags/qoi-e-qil/it/1958" SessionHelper::$params = array SessionHelper::$action = "tags" SessionHelper::$data = NULL SessionHelper::$themeWeb = NULL SessionHelper::$plugin = NULL
header - [internal], line ?? include - APP/views/layouts/fe.ctp, line 3 View::_render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 646 View::renderLayout() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 442 View::render() - CORE/cake/libs/view/view.php, line 380 Controller::render() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 733 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 260 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 230 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 84
Appartenente al gruppo chimico degli oxazolidinedioni, è stato introdotto in Italia nel 2000 in miscela con cymoxanil o con mancozeb. Oltre che su peronospora della vite e di altre colture, è efficace su alcune altre malattie. Agisce bloccando le prime fasi di sviluppo dei patogeni. È caratterizzato da una elevata lipofilia, per cui è in grado di fissarsi tenacemente sulle cere epicuticolari degli organi trattati, dove svolge un’azione tipicamente preventiva di copertura. Gli intervalli di applicazione delle sue miscele sono indicativamente di una decina di giorni.